Dobson Ranch Golf Association
Policies and Procedures
May 2001 Rev. A
Section 3 Handicap System Operations
Chairperson: The Handicap Chairperson will be responsible for computing
handicaps following each tournament event, and having such handicaps posted as
soon as possible thereafter, but prior to the next tournament. The Handicap
Chairperson coordinates all pre-tournament activities such as tee-time
assignments and pairings, tournament flightings, and scorecard preparation. The
Handicap Chairperson does not have voting privileges on the Board of Directors.
Committee: The Handicap Chairperson shall appoint and submit to the
Board of Directors for approval a minimum of one current active member to
constitute the Handicap Committee. The Handicap Chairperson as needed may
appoint additional members. The committee shall at all times keep records of
all decisions and restriction applied in accordance with the United Stated Golf Association (USGA), Arizona Golf Association (AGA), and the
following DRGA Tournament Handicap System description, as specified by the
Dobson Ranch Golf Association Board of Directors.
Handicap Establishment: The DRGA establishes and maintains a DRGA
tournament handicap for its membership, which is distinctly different from the
members’ USGA handicap. This tournament handicap does not utilize USGA formulas in regards to slope and course
ratings when calculating differentials. Using the member’s tournament ESC score
and subtracting Dobson Ranch Golf Course par 72 will determine the differential
and handicap.
Established Members: For all tournaments supervised by the DRGA, an
established members handicap shall be calculated based on the best three (3) of
the members last six (6) tournament scores in DRGA events, where the member was
required to play their own ball to completion on each hole. Therefore this
excludes scrambles, best balls and like events.
New Members: For all tournaments supervised by the DRGA,
new members will be required to provide adequate information such that an
initial handicap can be estimated. These new members will then be placed on the
“5% rule”, where their gross tournament score cannot be lower than the estimate
by more than 5%. Should the new member shoot a score lower than the estimate,
their new handicap will be based on this lower score until three qualifying
tournaments have been played and a DRGA tournament handicap established.
New Member Handicap Information: The data furnished on the membership
application form is used in the following priority sequence: previously
established AGA or another clubs’ verifiable documented handicap, estimated
average score at Dobson Ranch from blue tees, best score from the multiple
historical scores section, members’ projected handicap when calculating a new
members’ handicap. When using a score to base handicap, par 72 is subtracted
from that score to reach a handicap number.
5% Rule Score Calculation: Using the handicap number derived from process
covered in 3.3.3 the handicap Chairperson adds that to par (72) which equates
to a projected score, the projected score is then multiplied by .95 to reach
the minimum score allowed for tournament posting. Example: derived handicap for
new member is 10, 10 is then added to par 72 equaling 82, 82 is then multiplied
by .95 equaling 77.9 rounded up to 78 as the minimum posting score (10+72=82,
82x.95=77.9 rounded = 78).
Handicap Updates: All qualifying DRGA tournament scores are first
adjusted in compliance with USGA guidelines for Equitable Stoke Control (ESC)
then input into the DRGA handicap software system for re-calculation for next
tournament usage. These re-calculated membership handicaps are then posted for
viewing inside the Dobson Ranch-House lounge in the designated book above the
AGA computer prior to the start of the next DRGA tournament event. The Handicap
Chairperson will post all DRGA qualifying tournament ESC scores in the USGA/AGA
handicapping database.
End of Year Processing: At the end of each year the Handicap
Chairperson is responsible for deactivating all active members for that
calendar year in both the DRGA and AGA handicap databases. This allows for
correct membership billings from the USGA and a sooth transition of membership
status into the next calendar year. When a previous member or new member renews
their membership the Handicap Chairperson then updates the member’s status to
active within the databases.